Home Sweet Home

Home on the Dune
The water in the background is the Bay, and in the front of the photo is the Indian Ocean

My home in the forest 

So remote, so isolated - just sand, stars, sky, sea

Full moon rising through my bedroom curtains

Followed by a golden dawn

My beloved Boerboel, Leo, overlooking Inhaca island and
 Hells Gate Channel


Bambi - rescued her for sale as bushmeat.  I raised her with a bottle for a few weeks.
Eventually I released her into the Elephant Reserve
I like to think of her walking around in the forest

She loved honey!!

Harry used to fly in for minceballs and clack until he got them

After the rains, on the road to Maputo

Shebeen on Inhaca island

Looking for mud crabs

Our old watering hole on Inhaca island, but then unfortunately it burnt down

The President visiting the area

Thinking of another project

Every night the tribe come for bananas drizzled with honey

Bart, I picked him up in the Reserve.  I think an eagle dropped him on his head.
Eventually I had to euthanase him

A new dhow being built

The community launching a new dhow through the Mangrove swamps

In the Elephant Reserve, no shoes, no worries

Vasco and Cleo just want to swim, swim, swim

Santa Maria village - Zac's pub

Building material arriving

Mongoose on the dune in front of my house

My bedroom deck



Cleo and I surveying our forest

I love the flamingos 

This monkey likes the view too

Every day he visits

Not a good idea to fly 3 months pregnant - nice to have friends like these 

This school was built by a developer in the area - this is the opening

10 years I spent on this beach.
Before the tarred roads, first two years with no electricity. Minimal people. Silent and unspoilt. I had the best of it before commercialisation. 


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