The Lady & The King Stag

was badly wounded traversing the wastelands cold winds tearing at Him suffering alone so much to give so full of courage and strength so needing to be loved better so needing to live She was trapped in the Underworld Her wing broken so gentle, so kind so needing to learn how to be loved so needing clarity of mind Pic: Credit Unknown Somewhere in Africa as Spring was returning to the dry land and the full yellow moon rising over the savanna a Lion roared setting into motion a Destiny that was written when the stars were being born Credit: Laurent Baheux And the Angels wept with joy as the Sword of Integrity and Devotion, that had been forged in the fire of His Wounding was drawn He made a promise to the Spirit that lived within Him – the Stag – King of all that is honorable, wild, and free She had a vision o...