Your life Dear One was not ours to take you had your own destiny your own path to follow and now, this human, operating through pure Evil, has stolen your tomorrow ELEVEN times he pulled the trigger how could he do it? watch you fall and carry on shooting what is broken in his heart? tearing your body apart to fill some sick need of his ELEVEN times he made the choice to kill you decided you must die I cannot even begin to try and fathom why I must bow my head in shame before your spirit and the rest of your kind utter shame, and disgust with my own I must beg you for forgiveness and more kindness than you and all the animals are shown I must try to find words to voice this wrong to break the good people’s hearts so they can feel your pain and stop looking away so they can hear the cries rising up from the Earth from the beasts we are murdering and torturing for pleasure and fun for food for we...