To a stranger in a faraway land
To an Ivory Carver Stranger, far far away please hear my words from a quiet forest in Africa Close your eyes run your fingers over the cool smoothness of the ivory before you feel the presence of a gentle nobility next to you let it touch your spirit open your heart to it This presence was once living breathing a beloved stitch of the tapestry of trees and waterholes He walked mile upon mile through burning plains cool forests in sunshine in rain He too felt Hunger as you do He too felt thirst as you do He too mourned His dead as you do Lift your face to the African sun feel it warm you as He did hear the scolding churr of the Oxpecker as He did taste the river water as He did smell the dry Savannah as He did feel the freedom of the cool Night from the heat of the sun as He did Now open your eyes and see what is left of the magnificence of Him lying before you What your industry has reduced him to… He deserved to die in His time in peace with His world but you far away had ordered his ...