The Garden
A bubble-gum pink Rose is nodding to Herself in the sunlight outside my window having drunk Her full of early morning tea of dewdrops and mist She sways sleepily dreaming The Oak Tree stands proudly full of birds now and again sending an acorn thudding down to the grass where Ants are busy, always busy carrying a bug carcass away to their winter pantry like a miniature Olympic relay team working hard together The Garden is a family of all shapes and sizes chirping, foraging, and croaking in the pond some rooted some flying some working some dying but all intertwined in the Story If only Humans played nicely and accepted their role and their time to briefly shine knowing there is growing and then going peacefully on if only we accepted gracefully our part in the Story instead of our arrogance in thinking we are the whole book They closed our eyes you see cut the connection to our angels and guides leaving a chasm ga...